
These are pretty annuals originally from India. They grow 1� to 2 feet high and bear orange-scarlet, red or yellow, brush-like flowers; they grow up to an inch across. The leaves grow from the base in clusters up to 6 inches high. Picking off the dead flowers increases their production. These plants provide lovely cut flowers.

Pot Cultivation

These plants love the sun and need it at least half the day. They can grow in regular garden soil that is moist and well drained; if the soil is full of clay, an addition of sand and compost will help.


Seeds may be sown outdoors where they're to grow as soon as the soil is warm. They need constant darkness until they germinate. Cover by lightly raking soil over them. Since it will be necessary to thin out the seedlings to 8 or 9 inches apart, it is useless to sow them thickly. Seeds may also be sown indoors, in a 70-degree temperature, 6 to 8 weeks before it's safe to plant outside.

E. sagittata.


E. sagittata. 

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